Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Sonnet: Wizardry in Black Ivy:

(To whom it may concern…)

Mate, when maggots have had their way with me
And my voice is an echo of past years—
A moon in some planetary, far-off sphere
That is like wizardry—by God’s decree:
That Song of Songs shall bring me to thee.
The pen within my hands, its flame shall sear
The dragon’s mouth that slanders thee, with fear:
The reprisals of Love’s sovereignty!

Mate, fates now in black ivy tombs, long dead
Whom God allows, like vipers-rats to bask,
Would lead you into infamy, and compel 
Your soul to a tempest into Tartarus
To tie tight, your tongue within your head—
Rest your ashes on the steps to heaven!

No: 4468 (7-15-2014)