(…Hospital Visit) 1994
The nightlight in the
hall burned through the window, —
It threw at the end
of my bed, a huge figure, he had no shadow.
Drawn in piercing
outlines, the body shape of an angelic-power!
Dressed in white
linen, almost liken to a doctor, —
I thought a moment:
light and darkness!
(it was in the wee
hours of morn)
Then, thereafter, ‘…how
daring the demon is,’ I mused.
My pale body, weak, and
frail, recovering from a stroke, heart surgery.
They crossed not into
the narrow nave.
The Power watched,
observed, He was: broad, bold and brave!
I knew not, but there
was something loathing, near…!
No: 4456 (7-7-2014)