Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Drunk Changed!

I stopped drinking back in July of 1984…
Stayed away from the old neighborhood!
Actually, drove the long way around it
When I had to go by it— avoiding the
Two corner bars!
Went back to school, ate healthy food,
Drank a lot of orange juice, ate a lot of
Apples! The Old days long gone!
Then one day I walked back into the old
Neighborhood, even into the corner bars
To see, just to see, what it was like, it was
Now 1986; I had two years of sobriety,
Behind my belt:
Everything was relatively the same, a few
New faces, but mostly old ones, the ones
I once drank with, in the 60s and 70s:
They wooed me on and when I wouldn’t
Drink they booed me some.
As I said, everything was the same, the
Houses, the streets, the people, it was as if
Time stood still!...
So what was it, I asked myself: why did I
Feel so odd, so strange?
Everything was the same, everything and
Everybody just the same as the day I left—
Everything, everybody, but me: I changed.

No: 4515/8-8-2014
Poem 25, of the MS “The Drunk”