Thursday, May 16, 2013

Visiting the Ann Frank House ((1993) (Amsterdam))

The front face of the building, reddish brick, resembles a Candy
       Shop, it is April, of ’93, Amsterdam, and everything is clear and
       dry, a sunny morning, a few bikes chained to a nearby post.
The Ann Frank House is in front of me.
This is where she lived near the end of WWII.
The stairs seem to be an immense distance between the first steps
       to the empty bookshelf that leads into her room….
The distance through which Nazies and their helpers rose and fell,
       the distance between heaven and hell—
It is all felt in residue chills, left by her, after her death to remind
       us, she once was—
In her room on the wall is a picture of Alexander the Great, perhaps
       it reminded her she had to be strong like him, which I passed      
       reluctantly: you’d be astounded how narrow the room is…!

#3881 (4-26-2013)