Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pope Pius XII ((Nazism) (Revised with Notes))

Why isn’t the warrior the Saint?
Is he not the one that makes the peace?
Without the warrior there’d be more grief!
Pope Pius XII, was such a Saint!
With what he had, he confronted Nazism!
Resisted with resistance, in the silent
Spy-filled halls of the Vatican, in WWII:
He made Hitler the fool!
He knew to keep his distance from Himmler,
Who wanted to do him in, like in the days of Nero!  
So underground they went, those bent on being
True Christians, with the Pope—
Like in the days of Claudius and beyond!
And thus, he helped bring demise to the rise
Of Nazism. 


Note:  According to new research, and wartime documents (several) and interviews with the American intelligence agent who wrote them, Pope Pius XII, was involved with three plots to assassinate, remove, Hitler from power, thus being indirectly involved if not unswervingly. He had according to historian Mark Riebling, opted to resist Hitler with covert action, which made him a coconspirator, or accessory, to the botched attempts.