Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Barricade

The Barricade 

I had a dream a few months ago, it startled me
(or was it a dream?):
A barricade was in front of me, of roaring flames.
I sat up on my bed, fragments of flames rushed toward me.
I was as if, taken away from gravity, as if this barricade had
Its own gravity…
It was as if the Carbon Atoms that bond, all that there is
Had lost its balance, as if the protons and neutrons, lost their
Equilibrium—there is really no way to express this: 
I felt like a dead star staring at this barricade, as if I was
Being sucked into a black hole.
Dreams are funny, I’ll grant you that, but it appeared to my
Wife, I was wide awake, and I had told her,
“Something’s going to take place in a moment?”
It was as if I was going to be thrown into the halls of the cosmos.
I knew, time stands still at the edge of the speed of light,
Whereas sound seemingly needs matter, and is quite slow
In comparison—
But this barricade, with its charging spearmen of light,
Invading my dark emptiness—of the bedroom, everything
For a moment slowed down—so where did this light come
From? Had I reached the end of the universe?
Or perhaps it had reached me?
Being less than a half million miles away, where
Light has thus, been discovered?
Back 13.8-billion years?
I got thinking, nothing can travel faster than light,
Hence, lest you fall through a dozen black holes, which seem
To favor each galaxy, and come out at the other end,
And ending up here with this fiery barricade?
I mean all these images were pumping into my great arteries,
Believing a bean is bean, this was as real as it gets!
Well, if indeed I was where I presupposed I was, time stands still!
That is to say, I travel 6,500-light years?
Each light-yea being: six-trillion miles?
You can add that up, there’s too many zeros for me.
And then I stood up from the bed, my wife now seriously
Worried: is he having a zany dream, or what?
I couldn’t resist the pull, as if struggling with gravity!
Pulling me into that wall of fire.
Realizing distant body’s effect one another, this barrier was
Not effecting my wife, only me, yet she was close by
Witnessing all this, which I suppose was nightmarish!
I felt I was headed for some cosmic horizon:
I suppose my wife was thinking, what a mirage?
Gravity is an extraction, but should it be condensed, I’d be
Crushed! And I knew for the most part, as the ancients
Knew, the origin of the universe is concealed, that would
Account for the barricade, as I tried to analyze this out!
That God was not going to give the secret of how he
Created the universe to astrophysics, until, perhaps until
They acknowledge him: let them theorize all they wish!
There best guess is that the universe was the size of a
Silver dollar once upon a time, then it became a massive
Structure, as it is now! Well, be that as it may,
Until it is time to shed light on it, and light would be the only
Way of seeing beyond that barricade… the first footsteps
Of the universe remains a mystery.
Although God has allowed one thing:
To see the darkest footprints in the cosmos, in front of that—
Barricade, one step at a time.
Anyhow back to the pulling of the fiery wall!
“Lord” I said, in disbelief this was taking place:
And an amazing thing happened, just by calling on Him:
It was as if there was a supernova, and everything around me
And my wife now by my side, said “What just happened?”
And I told her, what I’m telling you!

October, 1, 2014/No: 4567