Thursday, July 16, 2015

Quiet Moments (a Lima Poem)

A quiet moment
Noon has arrived
I looked up in the heat of the day
And it was there!
It has come over the Andes!
Through the streets of Lima
Walking quietly over the asphalt,
To my home in San Juan Miraflores!

The day shall never end I think.
Sister Marleny and her nuns are coming.
It’s Betty’s birthday.
After them, after lunch, quiet moments
Will rise, and I shall rest…
Where people do not take delight
They, no fleshly pleasures seek.

No: 4717/3-15-2015
Taken from a group of March poems
Originally “Surprised by Noon” Reedited and Revised, 7-13-2015

Note: Sleep and rest is a great gift of God, it allows the body to regenerate, to process calmly and sort out what is in the mind, so often people do not take delight in the little gifts, like a siesta, or a good night sleep, or a simple visit from friends, or a birthday. Of such people truly s/he has destroyed opportunities, becomes the ungrateful one.