Saturday, June 9, 2012

Eternal Damnation (“…this rare breed of Horrors.”)

The words: “Eternal Damnation,” have strident, if not grating if not simply per near freezing implications—and surly not to be taken lightly; it tells you, infers for me: an eternal sentence.  I often thought of this: how God can give man an eternal sentence that harbors the most threatening conclusiveness man can think of, actually — challenges all reports of.  It is so serious, Jesus Christ addressed this issue, as did Paul, thereafter, and Matthew, Mark and Luke: spooky, if not making and shaking the heart to a clanging hysteria.  But let me try to unwind this rare breed of horrors.
       I want to take the reader to the Sea of Galilee, in 2010, I sailed on it, it is a tranquil sea, and most beautiful.  But here is where I want to start this short but concise train of thought: this is the area where Jesus grew up; he knew it well (within the boundaries of Capernaum).
       At one stage of Christ’s ministry, he became very famous among his followers, and becoming more famous throughout lands beyond.  It might be of interest to the reader, Peter, Andrew and James, to include John, all came from this area. 
       As we all know, Christ’s acts and miracles, astonished all—still do—to include the Pharisees, high priests—and among the many, were those of course that were filled with the devils the demons, back in those far-off days of 30 A.D. I do believe the devil was trying hard to find some disappearance from the Mosaic Law to convict Jesus with. The old routine, if you can’t get him outright, look for a crack or nook, anything will do, and make it into a landside and bury him alive with it. And these scribes came down from the hills, and wherever, writing down every word he said, trying to catch just one syllable, disconnecting him from the old laws—and rushing back to the Jewish elite their theocracy of: High Priests, and King, and Governor from Rome.  It sounds like the politicians today. Anyhow, they were trying to catch him, to entangle him with the Levitical Law, but that didn’t work.
       We must realize the Jews had a theocracy: the civil law was intermixed with the religious laws—one for all and all for one; like the ‘Three Musketeers.’
       Now these people knew good and well what they were doing: they were not blind, they recognized Jesus as the Messiah and by saying this I mean, they willingly rejected the Son of God, Jesus; despite the fact they knew who he was. On another note, Christ’s miracles were a fact, they never disputed them—they actually accused the devil for doing those miracles—gave the devil credit for them, so they implied — that was the deadly sin: as Christ had said, and said it clearly in particularly concerning casting out devils, what he said was: “How can Satan call out Satan…” So they were saying Christ in essence was doing this with Satan’s powers that he was inside of him: a pure case of blasphemy. These scribes were actually showing irreverence, which we call blasphemy to the Holy Spirit, whom was inside of Christ, not the devil as they inferred.
        You see the Holy Spirit, is part of the Godhead, a part of God’s salvation, those who blasphemy the Holy Spirit, is turned over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1: 28).
       We must keep in mind, they had the foreknowledge, and with the position they held, used it to attack the very person they said they were waiting for. Christ cast out devils, demons right and left, and thus, they focused on that element. Isn’t that funny, they could have very well focused on his healings, but didn’t, because they were to solid a fact: walking on water, healing the blind, raising the dead, they saw these things, unbelievable but documented happenings, miracles: that was not in dispute, not really, it was overlooked, belittled, and forgotten.
       Let me quote: “…He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils   castes he out devils.” (Mark 3:22) 
       Gosh, almighty, I’d not want to be in that man’s shoes, but you can’t get it any straighter than that: right from the horse’s mouth as they say.
       The correct way of thinking, had these folks not had the depraved mind of the evil one, is: he casts out demons and devils because he is more powerful than they: that makes more sense to me, doesn’t it?  Christ also inferred: I can enter Satan’s house and bind him because I am stronger than he, if I wasn’t he would bind me. That makes sense also, or it should—if it doesn’t then there is an alternative motive involved with the person’s reasoning. Figuratively speaking, Rome could enter the lands of Israel—which it did, because it was stronger than Israel, on the other hand, had the Israel Army tried to enter Rome, they’d never had made it to a hundred miles outside of Rome before they got destroyed by Roman’s military might.
       But when Jesus was telling this to the scribes, they were telling him: it is by Satan’s indwelling powers by which you do these things, and Christ tried to explain, perhaps even to save them by saying what he knew was coming next, lest they bind themselves to eternal damnation:
       “Your words are directed toward the Holy Spirit,” although they did not mention him specifically, but that was who he was indwelled with.
        At that instant, they had lost their salvation: when they inferred it was Satan who indwelled, Jesus, thus, the doors of Hades were now wide open for them, and Satan, had no more worries of their on time arrival. Put another way, the Holy Spirit would never come to their rescue again. We must understand the mission of the Holy Spirit, he brings the case of each individual before God, if you reject him, and his nearness, then you rejects God the Father. The Holy Spirit, responds to the soul’s reception or rejection, and never pressures a person.  Every evangelist should realize this, not to impose, or sell salvation, it is a gift and a matter of opening up the door and the individual recognizing the Holy Spirit’s call: he will give you a signal, and you must confirm it, thus, he will indwell you. Rejection is taken very seriously.
       There is no confusing God with Satan; one does that deliberately, willingly. This is the unpardonable sin, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, rejection of his light, by identifying Satan with God, and knowing the difference.

#916 (6-6-2012)