Thursday, November 17, 2016

About the Author: Dr. Dennis L. Siluk

About the Author:
Dr. Dennis L. Siluk

International, Latin American Award for Poet
Laureate in 21-Latin American Countries;
by CIHLLD (29 June 2013)

Dr. Dennis L. Siluk’s has published 72-International Books; 28-National, Latin American chapbooks on Peruvian customs and heritage, and eight international books on Peruvian Culture (that can be seen on B& or or He is a poet since twelve years old, a writer, Psychologist, Ordained Minister, Decorated Veteran from the Vietnam War, Doctor in Arts and Education, and Doctor Honoris Causa from the National University of Central Peru, UNCP. He was nominated Poet Laureate in Peru. One of his books, “The Galilean”, took Honorable Mention at the 2016 Paris Book Festival and received an award from the Congress of Peru, for his cultural writings.  He is originally from St. Paul, Minnesota, and lives with his wife Rosa, in Lima, Peru and High up in the Andes, in Huancayo, also, in Minnesota.