Saturday, April 30, 2016

A World Without God

A World Without God

Take away God from man, or man from God—
Take God out of the public speeches, schools, colleges, courtrooms—
Something is absent! Missing. The equation can never be complete.
Because God is not allowed in any conversation.
What does it mean?
There can be no quality nor integrity to the exchange.
When you take out traditional ethics, bar them from usage in the public domain, something is absent, missing (God)!
When something is missing, it makes everything unequal.
Consciences have disappeared with God, for indifference.
Something has to unite everyone and everything, now man must find that new something…
And he has found it, “Power,” and for those who have no power, the lesser group found ‘Victimhood!’
And this is what precisely what is taking place today in our societies.

Note: ·5207/1-29-2016

Note: In spired in part by Pope Benedict XVI’s writings.