Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Mistress from Hydra (A poetic drama/narration)

(The Scene: inside a stone house, on the Greek island called Hydra; 1200 BC, two women with their Mistress are talking about an affair that never took place, that the Mistress wished would have…)

1—Forbidden Pleasures

“The wound will not heal” She said.
“The black storm will blow over,” the other murmured.
“Fool, it is death she ponders.” She said.
“Time heals all pain!” the other murmured.
“Fool, it is death she seeks.” She said.
“The cold knife of revenge,” She adds.
“Fool, it is death she thinks.” She adds.

“I do not think, I know!” confirms the Mistress.

“Fool, she sees corpses.” She said.
“Silence will make her well!” the other murmurs.
“Silence knows no right or wrong…” she adds.
“You think too much.” She says.
“Fool, she cannot find her mind,” She adds.

“Be quiet, just cover my folly!” demands the Mistress.

“Mistress, the wound will heal!” the other one murmurs.
“Fool, what is a woman’s happiness?” She said.
“The Mistress has been long in the sun,” the other one murmurs.
“Fool, she is a lost bird.” She says.

I1—Death in the House

“Who was he?” He asks in black rage.

“Your son raped me,” says the Mistress.

“Only blood will heal,” She says.
“And it will be her blood,” He infers.

“But this is what I wish!” She agrees.
“Men are like wolves, leaping over tall walls for pleasures,” She adds.

“Silence is best,” the other one murmurs.
“Women liars, even unto your own hurt,” He tells all three of them.

       (‘The Mistress has iron for guts,’ contemplates her husband…, trying to figure out who she in inferring raped her; ‘perchance it was not rape, possibly she was slighted, and a woman slighted, her hate is stronger than her love.’)

“Love vanishes, when hate engorges the mind,” She says.
“Yes, you two are twins, her devoted,” He tells them. 
“Shame will not die in the grave,” She says.

“But he is your son,” the Mistress admits.

((Stunned silence)(the son falls to his knees, as he has just walked into the house, where his father’s wife, and the two servants have given false testimony, because of a jealous Mistress, who had been scorned by the son, the woman rejected, and ridiculed because of her obsessive lust for him —the sword is deep under his breastplate…)) 

“Fool, she hung herself,” She says.
“He was a woman’s fool,” the other one murmured.
“He is old, easily fooled,” She says.
“We wound ourselves,” the other one murmurs.
“We better go, anger in such a man is displaced, to who the closest is,” She says.
“The god’s have played a trick on us all,” the other one murmurs.
“No, it is Hades madness,” She says.

((In Hades, the henchmen laugh) (they howl like dogs—and everyone can hear them…))

“Beware,” says the Narrator, “the henchmen, have put poisonous vipers in the garden; hungry wolves near the fireplace; knives and swords close at hand in the houses and homes of old men and young women of Hydra: for one thing, and one thing only—Revenge!”

#913 ((5-6-2012) (short story))
#3342 (Poem)