“Young David Peñaloza, Jr., is a fiery poet
of the love genre, with makings of a Neruda; he addresses the pain of love,
with a passionate ounce of devotion, and its quarrels; you feel it as you read:
“My aching and modest
soul”: and his
images are expressed with notable openness and ease.” Dr. Dennis L. Siluk, Poet Laureate (Peru)
“My aching
and modest soul”
(Poem by:
David Peñaloza Acevedo)
Version en Ingles
My aching and modest
weakens with calm
in the middle of
searching your glance
—that moves even to a
to get up from its
since I feel empty
in a black hole
that has absorbed all
my longings …
longings to go on with
longings to continue
my tomorrow!
and change, thus
comes change
meeting you
like an act of magic
for now I feel
more than alive
more alive than the
sun in the morning.
Written: 3/28/14:
translated 3-31-2014 by Rosa Peñaloza and Dr. Dennis L. Siluk, from Spanish to
en Español
“Mi adolorida y parca alma”
(Poema por: David Peñaloza Acevedo)
Mi adolorida y parca
desfallece con calma
en medio de la nada
buscando tu mirada
que anima hasta a un
a levantarse de la
pues me siento vacío
en un hoyo negro
que ha absorbido
todas mis ganas
ganas de seguir con
ganas de continuar
mi mañana
y todo cambia al
encontrarme contigo
y todo cambia
como por arte de
pues me siento ahora
más que vivo
más vivo que el sol
por las mañanas.