Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mary’s Assumption into Heaven (In English and Spanish)

Versión en Inglés

Mary’s Assumption into Heaven

Mary, mother of Christ is presently in the Father’s House, the
       very house a true Christian and prophet of old must wait
       to enter…to attain full joy!
Why is this so?
First, she made no one suffer while on earth, thus she carried
       no guilt forth… (not even when Christ was on the cross)
Which gives the sting to death…!
In essence: she leaves no guilt behind on earth to be buried, and
       guilt is the bondage man carries (love overcomes guilt, and love
was her assumption—her statement, when she left earth to enter Heaven).

#3913 (5-14-2013)/ “The sting of death is sin” Cor. 15: 55   ”O death, where is thy sting?”

The last king of perhaps what one might call the old Greek Empire (70 B.C.), who was conceivably Rome’s most wanted enemy, more feared I do believe than Hannibal, who fought the Roman Armies in his Greek-Roman style of completion—King Mithridates, less known than Alexander the Great, after forty-years of warfare with Rome, in his sixties, held on to one devoting principle: every task he did in life must harbor complete devotion, done with every muscle, every breath every swallow. In return, he wanted every man in his army, to be devoted to him, and they were. God the Father, Christ, expects no less.  Mary was such a person—

Versión en Español

La Asunción de María al Cielo

María, la Madre de Cristo, está actualmente en la Casa del Padre,
La misma casa que un cristiano verdadero y profeta antiguo
       debe esperar para entrar… ¡para alcanzar gozo total!
¿Por qué esto es así?
Primero, porque ella no hizo sufrir a nadie mientras estaba en la tierra, (ni siquiera cuando Cristo estaba en la cruz)
       por eso ella no carga ninguna culpa,
       ¡lo que da el aguijón de la muerte…!…
En esencia: ella no deja culpa alguna en la tierra a ser enterrada,
       y culpa es la opresión que el hombre lleva
(el amor vence a la culpa, y amor fue su asunción—su declaración, cuando dejó la tierra para entrar al Cielo).

 Nota.- “El aguijón de la muerte es el pecado” 1 Cor. 15,  55   ” ¿Dónde está, oh muerte, tu aguijón?”